First time I have come up with fictional story related with real characters. This is just an imaginary post to just provide some fun as I might have bored with the previous posts. Mom's are the selfless creatures in the world. They worry a lot about others rather than taking care of themselves. A mom always dreamed about their child to become great and be in a position that she would proud of. A son or daughter would always like to fulfill their wishes. But there may be certain obstacles that prevent them from doing so. For boys, it might the interest in sports or entertainment that might prevent them and for girls it might be due to their fear or health issues or various other interests.
Usually I used to write post on behalf of the boys, which most of you might be fed up of. For a change, I have decided to publish this post from the view point of a girl. So, Here our Heroine's mom, the yesteryear heroine is a housewife and she wants her daughter to become a doctor. Daughter to doctor, sounds rhyming right. Our girl obeys her mother till 13 years of age. After that there is a gap due to some biological reasons. Mom considers our girl to be responsible, hereafter she would decide upon her career and we just need to support her. Till that moment our heroine had the idea of becoming doctor.
After entering 9th class, she was asked to perform her first operation. It is just a flower, she needs to separate various parts of flower with certain tools. Our heroine being vegetarian, did not like to do the same and says this to mom. So, she leaves the biology group in her 11th class and goes on with computer science. After scoring good cut off, she joins Engineering as most of the people who scored good marks in science department does. After a lot of struggles she completes her degree and becomes bachelor of engineering. Since, she was the only child to her parents, her parents did not force her to work and allowed her to pursue master degree.
She choose to do a master degree in the field of engineering. She somehow managed to complete her degree. As a parent, her mother wanted her to get married as she crossed 23 years, which is considered as too late for a girl to get married in village. But, since she is from a city, she was given freedom on that aspect. But, she wants to get doctor in her name. So, she decided to do Doctorate of Philosophy(Ph.d). After struggle she completes Ph.d and becomes Dr. Mom was proud of her. That girl fulfilled mom's wish but the path chosen was different. The person completing Ph.d is also doctor, MBBS is also doctor after all. Now a days the person not completing schooling is also being addressed as doctor.

Usually I used to write post on behalf of the boys, which most of you might be fed up of. For a change, I have decided to publish this post from the view point of a girl. So, Here our Heroine's mom, the yesteryear heroine is a housewife and she wants her daughter to become a doctor. Daughter to doctor, sounds rhyming right. Our girl obeys her mother till 13 years of age. After that there is a gap due to some biological reasons. Mom considers our girl to be responsible, hereafter she would decide upon her career and we just need to support her. Till that moment our heroine had the idea of becoming doctor.
After entering 9th class, she was asked to perform her first operation. It is just a flower, she needs to separate various parts of flower with certain tools. Our heroine being vegetarian, did not like to do the same and says this to mom. So, she leaves the biology group in her 11th class and goes on with computer science. After scoring good cut off, she joins Engineering as most of the people who scored good marks in science department does. After a lot of struggles she completes her degree and becomes bachelor of engineering. Since, she was the only child to her parents, her parents did not force her to work and allowed her to pursue master degree.
She choose to do a master degree in the field of engineering. She somehow managed to complete her degree. As a parent, her mother wanted her to get married as she crossed 23 years, which is considered as too late for a girl to get married in village. But, since she is from a city, she was given freedom on that aspect. But, she wants to get doctor in her name. So, she decided to do Doctorate of Philosophy(Ph.d). After struggle she completes Ph.d and becomes Dr. Mom was proud of her. That girl fulfilled mom's wish but the path chosen was different. The person completing Ph.d is also doctor, MBBS is also doctor after all. Now a days the person not completing schooling is also being addressed as doctor.
Wish fulfilled!