18 Apr 2017


                                       It is a always a proud moment to earn money for the work we do. This is about the feeling of mine after earning my first salary. I was employed during the month of may in the year 2014 and i was a trainee that time and I have not earned anything before except for one or two cash awards. The day came which was the last working day of that month. Early morning as soon as opened the phone, the first message, i saw was the credit of salary in my account. It was some 12k odd and I was happy that I got my first salary.

                                     I went to god and thanked him for giving me this salary and job. though, i did not like the job. This job gave me the courage to be independent and take decisions on my own. I felt that i was financially secured by then. I immediately called my parents and informed about this and they were happy for me. Then did not ask me to send money but as a responsible son, I transferred certain amount of my salary to my parents. whatever may be the case, people won't be satisfied when it comes to money. I was sailing in this same boat. I was thinking that the mentioned salary was around 18K but i received only 12k.

                                   When i opened the mail box, there came a list of various deductions and the remaining amount was transferred to me. That deduction thing was new to me and the upcoming months i got used to it. I got a new confidence in me that i am grown up as a guy and standing on my own feet. It was immense pleasure in getting that money. No words to express my feelings. Many people would have had the same amount of joy, on receiving their salary of first month. The remaining months would not be quite different, but the first salary that we received is something special and that moment cannot be forgotten.

Image result for first salary

1 comment:

  1. I remember my first salary too. Like you I had given part of my salary to god as offering and the remaining to my mother.



As a human being, we will definitely have some kind of feeling for fellow human being.  This cannot be stopped as this is against nature ...