Calculation is always necessary in most of the things in our life. There are certain things which should not be calculated, there may be a denotation of particular value for those in terms of money. But, they are really priceless. There are certain things that cannot be measured by money, which are considered to be these priceless things. For example, we can take the pain taken by parents to bring up their child. The money spent to treat their parents those who are struggling from disease, the blood donated to save the life of the people and so on.
The calculation plays a major part when we do business, going on leisure, entertainment activities and so on. We should be aware of the loan that we provided others and the loan provided by us to others, these are the time we must be aware of the calculation. A good love or affection or friendship or any other kind of relationship might be spoiled by these calculations. People does not cheat their peers wanted, but when they realise that their peer is weak in calculations, they take advantage and try to cheat others.
There are not only miscalculations, there are a lot of missed calculations. Certain amount of money may have a value of single digits which might be ignored on spending for their peers. These can be quoted as missed calculations. It would be alright, if we miss these amount a few times, but when we keep on doing it, they might look huge. There may be some miscalculations while buying stocks and shares of a company also. In sports also there might be miscalculation, we might expect a top spinner but it might be a wrong urn. Miscalculations are part and parcel of life, we must ensure that we are careful enough to handle miscalculations and strong enough to regain or repay the amount that has been miscalculated.

The calculation plays a major part when we do business, going on leisure, entertainment activities and so on. We should be aware of the loan that we provided others and the loan provided by us to others, these are the time we must be aware of the calculation. A good love or affection or friendship or any other kind of relationship might be spoiled by these calculations. People does not cheat their peers wanted, but when they realise that their peer is weak in calculations, they take advantage and try to cheat others.
There are not only miscalculations, there are a lot of missed calculations. Certain amount of money may have a value of single digits which might be ignored on spending for their peers. These can be quoted as missed calculations. It would be alright, if we miss these amount a few times, but when we keep on doing it, they might look huge. There may be some miscalculations while buying stocks and shares of a company also. In sports also there might be miscalculation, we might expect a top spinner but it might be a wrong urn. Miscalculations are part and parcel of life, we must ensure that we are careful enough to handle miscalculations and strong enough to regain or repay the amount that has been miscalculated.

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