Certain food items won't be available throughout the year. There is a particular season only on which those items would be available. One such item is mango, it is a fruit which would be liked by almost all. The major drawbacks of mangoes are that it would be available only during certain seasons April to June or July maximum. The next one is the cost price is a bit on the higher side, due to it's taste. The next one is the time required for it to get ripen. Another thing is, it might get spoiled within few days. But other than these constraints mango is a great fruit to consume, which would be universally agreed by all.
One thing that I have heard about the ripening process was that, there are lot of fertilizers or chemicals are used to ripen the fruit artificially. So, some of them state that, they are harmful to consume. I am still not aware of the truth. Let us keep aside of that and come to the taste of mangoes. On Viewing the mangoes, wow there would be a feeling to bite them hard, certain people might get the feeling to just lick and enjoy the taste of it. The peel covering the mangoes would might be disgusting, but we would like to use our teeth to crush and peel them off. There may be certain who bite the skin of mangoes also.
The mangoes in the initial time of seasons are not tasty and those during the end of season will not be tasty. Those which have the purest taste and juiciness are those that comes during the mid season of summer. We can spend how much ever we want to enjoy them. We wont get satisfied by eating one or two, the demand will keep on increasing as the days pass on. The mangoes that we rob from someone else's garden will be more tastier than those that we get as a yield from their own garden. Whatever may be the person who doesnot like mangoes are real waste and they are never worth of living.

One thing that I have heard about the ripening process was that, there are lot of fertilizers or chemicals are used to ripen the fruit artificially. So, some of them state that, they are harmful to consume. I am still not aware of the truth. Let us keep aside of that and come to the taste of mangoes. On Viewing the mangoes, wow there would be a feeling to bite them hard, certain people might get the feeling to just lick and enjoy the taste of it. The peel covering the mangoes would might be disgusting, but we would like to use our teeth to crush and peel them off. There may be certain who bite the skin of mangoes also.
The mangoes in the initial time of seasons are not tasty and those during the end of season will not be tasty. Those which have the purest taste and juiciness are those that comes during the mid season of summer. We can spend how much ever we want to enjoy them. We wont get satisfied by eating one or two, the demand will keep on increasing as the days pass on. The mangoes that we rob from someone else's garden will be more tastier than those that we get as a yield from their own garden. Whatever may be the person who doesnot like mangoes are real waste and they are never worth of living.
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