There are a lot of people in this world who might have the same name. Instead of saying same name, we can name similar name, either the first name, middle name or last name. As far as the part of name that belongs to a certain person. The person whose name I remember that traveled with me so long is "Karthick". There are certain persons who still travel with me from my childhood, that is not being considered here. In each stage of my life, there is definitely different persons I meet. Among the different persons, I meet in each stage of my life, There will be a person who will be definitely have the name karthick.
An astrological factor says that, I have the sun sign of Lord Muruga. So, there would be a definite sign that I will have someone in my life having the name of Muruga. Now, let us come to the topic. Out of all the karthick's I have come across in my life. There were certain heroes, certain villains and certain comedians. The one whom I considered as hero was the one who would explain the concepts last few minutes before the exam and make a bunch of people to clear the examination, even if she scores less marks. Remaining most of them are villains who played basketball in my life in UG.
This post is mainly dedicated to our comedian, who is multi-talented. His birthday is falling on this date. He is the best imitator in our gang. He can imitate like anyone and he has done his best performance by imitating a girl in our gang. He is a serial freak, never misses any English series, Mr.Peter of our gang. Never like to watch a particular movie more than once. Such is his dedication level. He wanted to master everything. The most romantic guy in our gang. This is more than enough to describe or prescribe him. Anyhow, he is one of the close buddies I have had. once again, wishing you a many more happy returns of the day da.

An astrological factor says that, I have the sun sign of Lord Muruga. So, there would be a definite sign that I will have someone in my life having the name of Muruga. Now, let us come to the topic. Out of all the karthick's I have come across in my life. There were certain heroes, certain villains and certain comedians. The one whom I considered as hero was the one who would explain the concepts last few minutes before the exam and make a bunch of people to clear the examination, even if she scores less marks. Remaining most of them are villains who played basketball in my life in UG.
This post is mainly dedicated to our comedian, who is multi-talented. His birthday is falling on this date. He is the best imitator in our gang. He can imitate like anyone and he has done his best performance by imitating a girl in our gang. He is a serial freak, never misses any English series, Mr.Peter of our gang. Never like to watch a particular movie more than once. Such is his dedication level. He wanted to master everything. The most romantic guy in our gang. This is more than enough to describe or prescribe him. Anyhow, he is one of the close buddies I have had. once again, wishing you a many more happy returns of the day da.
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