There is a tradition or custom, being followed in certain parts of Tamil Nadu, during the death of certain personality. This is death dance. There would be certain people, who would be beating drums with certain tunes and then, there would be a troop of people who used to dance when they start moving from their home till the graveyard. The flowers would be thrown all over the pathway through which they move. This tradition is quoted as paying final tribute for the person who had died. They usually wanted the soul leaving the earth to be happy, so hearing these kind of beats make them feel happy is one perspective.
I don't have any idea about this, and neither no one living in the world would be able to realize whether this fact is true. But, with who's quote they came to such a conclusion is a big question mark. They might say some lies that, the died people came into my dreams and asked it and so we did it. On the another perspective, they announce that a particular person has died. They also provide advertisements on newspapers and wall posters etc. Another aspect that I don't like is the way they throw the flowers on streets.
It causes cleanliness problems on the streets and wasting of flowers is another cause of concern. on the other hand, the person doing garland business is benefited. On my personal opinion, I feel that these kind of celebrations are not worthy in terms of money involved and the harmfulness created to the environment and the wastage of resources. I don't want anyone to take it personal, it is just an opinion. Some other way of making them feel happy can be chosen so that no one is facing any loss.

I don't have any idea about this, and neither no one living in the world would be able to realize whether this fact is true. But, with who's quote they came to such a conclusion is a big question mark. They might say some lies that, the died people came into my dreams and asked it and so we did it. On the another perspective, they announce that a particular person has died. They also provide advertisements on newspapers and wall posters etc. Another aspect that I don't like is the way they throw the flowers on streets.
It causes cleanliness problems on the streets and wasting of flowers is another cause of concern. on the other hand, the person doing garland business is benefited. On my personal opinion, I feel that these kind of celebrations are not worthy in terms of money involved and the harmfulness created to the environment and the wastage of resources. I don't want anyone to take it personal, it is just an opinion. Some other way of making them feel happy can be chosen so that no one is facing any loss.
I was not aware of such a custom. But I believe there must be a deeper meaning behind this tradition.