Calling others and speaking has been reduced due to the advancement of internet. You can text in whats app have a voice call, video call, or voice message and so on. But, still if the person whom we want to contact is not available we are making use of this call facilities. Certain mobile service providers asks us to put some talk time boosters, so that we can have free calls. Certain other networks asks us to top up for less amount as a booster and then pay less for each and every call they make. For those who are making many number of calls, the first method might be suitable and those who are having less calls, the second method might be feasible.
Certain boosters have terms and conditions like 10p/min but the first 2mins are charged at 75p/min, which is almost similar to charging and they make u call more, if you have crossed the 2 minute limit. And the most important thing to be noted is if the time is limit less than 60, the amount deducted must be for the charges corresponding to that single minute. If the total count of seconds reach 60 also, the amount will be charged for second minute also, which I totally agree. But, what I observed was the service providers have some tools that make the 58 secs call to 60 sec call and 59 seconds call to 61 sec calls.
This is being done to charge for the 2nd minute also. I intentionally never bothered about the number of seconds i speak and rather bother about the amount being deducted. These two things were the ones that I observed accidentally. During some times, the total duration of call was 59 seconds according to the call summary and the statistics present in the call duration tracking device of my phone. But, according to the service provider it is 61 seconds. I don't know the mystery behind that. Both are similar or not ?. Because once, the call gets disconnected only, we can get the call summary.
If they both are different from each other I want to know, in what way they both differ from each other. If, they both are same, then why are we are not getting the same count for both of them or the service providers intentionally make use of this trick to generate income as people might not give importance to these few seconds and few amount of money involved in it?. It would be great if someone could explain me regarding this doubt and make me clear?. It may be a silly question or improper understanding of the concept. Still I need the clarity here.

Certain boosters have terms and conditions like 10p/min but the first 2mins are charged at 75p/min, which is almost similar to charging and they make u call more, if you have crossed the 2 minute limit. And the most important thing to be noted is if the time is limit less than 60, the amount deducted must be for the charges corresponding to that single minute. If the total count of seconds reach 60 also, the amount will be charged for second minute also, which I totally agree. But, what I observed was the service providers have some tools that make the 58 secs call to 60 sec call and 59 seconds call to 61 sec calls.
This is being done to charge for the 2nd minute also. I intentionally never bothered about the number of seconds i speak and rather bother about the amount being deducted. These two things were the ones that I observed accidentally. During some times, the total duration of call was 59 seconds according to the call summary and the statistics present in the call duration tracking device of my phone. But, according to the service provider it is 61 seconds. I don't know the mystery behind that. Both are similar or not ?. Because once, the call gets disconnected only, we can get the call summary.
If they both are different from each other I want to know, in what way they both differ from each other. If, they both are same, then why are we are not getting the same count for both of them or the service providers intentionally make use of this trick to generate income as people might not give importance to these few seconds and few amount of money involved in it?. It would be great if someone could explain me regarding this doubt and make me clear?. It may be a silly question or improper understanding of the concept. Still I need the clarity here.
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