Now a days people are looking for publicity everywhere. They wanted to show off themselves. I am just going to speak about some of the cruelty that has been known to people. A well educated guy, did cruelty to an innocent dog. He was a medical student and went to the edge of the terrace of the building. He was taking a video and playing with a dog. Suddenly he threw the dog from that place. It was a shocker of a scene. Didn't he realize that it is a sin committed against an animal. And taking a video of that cruelty and sending it to their friends is still more cruel. But, without that video we might have not known about that incident.
It was a very cruel act, but i feel it as a publicity stunt as the video was taken and sent to public. One such incident was the killing of camels, in some Arabian countries. I don't know the background of that incident and did not verify them, but still that video was again sent as a publicity stunt, If am not wrong. Camel is such an useful animal in desert and it was a shocker that it has been tortured to death in such a condition. A female monkey's brutalized body was exhumed. investigation found out that medical students had tied her up and beaten her up. A stick was inserted in her rectum and forced out through the front of her body.
Medical practitioners and animal activists were shocked by the crime, raising serious questions about the ethics being inculcated by the future doctors. Even attacking those animals attacking us, inhumane, but to safeguard our lives, we can harm them less and run away or escape from that scene. But, these stunts done for publicity should be severely punished. I am not a animal lover, still I could not bare the cruelty being done to animals and never wanted to allow this to happen to them. So, I request these kind of people to stop playing with the life of animals for showing that you are great. Show your talent in something else, not definitely in the lives of animals.

It was a very cruel act, but i feel it as a publicity stunt as the video was taken and sent to public. One such incident was the killing of camels, in some Arabian countries. I don't know the background of that incident and did not verify them, but still that video was again sent as a publicity stunt, If am not wrong. Camel is such an useful animal in desert and it was a shocker that it has been tortured to death in such a condition. A female monkey's brutalized body was exhumed. investigation found out that medical students had tied her up and beaten her up. A stick was inserted in her rectum and forced out through the front of her body.
Medical practitioners and animal activists were shocked by the crime, raising serious questions about the ethics being inculcated by the future doctors. Even attacking those animals attacking us, inhumane, but to safeguard our lives, we can harm them less and run away or escape from that scene. But, these stunts done for publicity should be severely punished. I am not a animal lover, still I could not bare the cruelty being done to animals and never wanted to allow this to happen to them. So, I request these kind of people to stop playing with the life of animals for showing that you are great. Show your talent in something else, not definitely in the lives of animals.

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