Beggars are people whom we come across in our day to day life. However there are development of technology and other aspects, beggars are making a statement that poverty exists in India. There is a soft nature for most of the people, on seeing the beggars, they would try to help them by providing certain amount of money. It may be very little amount, still the person donating money should have a kind heart to do so. On one side we feel pity on them as most of them are old people, certain people have some physical disabilities and certain people are having infant child and even certain kids are made to beg on the roads. This is very hard to digest.
Most of the time we feel sorry for them and try to help them. But, not all the beggars are disabled. There are a lot of people, who became beggars due to laziness. They are definitely eligible to do some work and earn money, but they don't want to be labor and earn,rather they prefer to earn without putting investment or energy. The main thing normal people would worry about the beggars are food for them. As they are also human being and food being the first basic requirement, we try to provide them money, so that they can at least eat properly. Not only that, it is a good deed that we perform so that it can neutralize some bad deed that we might have performed unknowingly. On the grounds of humanity also, we try to help them.
I am not trying to say that, they should not look for something else. They can try to do something else. But, they are struggling for necessity, yet trying out something for their luxury. I personally knew,one beggar whom my parents used to donate some money, when we go to that temple. But, once they saw him on one of the wine shop and he was fully drunken. Drinking water and food is a necessity for him to survive. But, does anyone agree that drinking wines in a bar is necessity, I strongly say that it is a luxury.
I feel pity for people who are begging to just satisfy their necessities and I develop a hatred for those who are begging only due to their laziness and wanted to enjoy luxury without taking care of their necessities and thinking about the donaters as fool. I pray god to give a good leader to take poor people out of poverty and give a better life to those people who are begging. I did not know what label to give to this post. I personally felt that, there are certain people who are cheating in the name of beggars. So, considering cheating as a crime, I would bring this post under the heading crime.

Most of the time we feel sorry for them and try to help them. But, not all the beggars are disabled. There are a lot of people, who became beggars due to laziness. They are definitely eligible to do some work and earn money, but they don't want to be labor and earn,rather they prefer to earn without putting investment or energy. The main thing normal people would worry about the beggars are food for them. As they are also human being and food being the first basic requirement, we try to provide them money, so that they can at least eat properly. Not only that, it is a good deed that we perform so that it can neutralize some bad deed that we might have performed unknowingly. On the grounds of humanity also, we try to help them.
I am not trying to say that, they should not look for something else. They can try to do something else. But, they are struggling for necessity, yet trying out something for their luxury. I personally knew,one beggar whom my parents used to donate some money, when we go to that temple. But, once they saw him on one of the wine shop and he was fully drunken. Drinking water and food is a necessity for him to survive. But, does anyone agree that drinking wines in a bar is necessity, I strongly say that it is a luxury.
I feel pity for people who are begging to just satisfy their necessities and I develop a hatred for those who are begging only due to their laziness and wanted to enjoy luxury without taking care of their necessities and thinking about the donaters as fool. I pray god to give a good leader to take poor people out of poverty and give a better life to those people who are begging. I did not know what label to give to this post. I personally felt that, there are certain people who are cheating in the name of beggars. So, considering cheating as a crime, I would bring this post under the heading crime.
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