Astrology is done as a prediction that may or may not work. There is an ancient tradition from people of Tamil Nadu, who used to see their astrology and thinks that parrot has a power to predict the future of a person. There would be a trainer who used to train parrot and make it act according to their wish. Usually, the parrot would be inside the cage and there would be a lot of placards outside the cage. Each placard will have a image of some god or animal or personality etc. The trainer would ask the name of the person whose astrology is to be predicted. After getting the name, the trainer would ask parrot to take a placard for the name.
Following the trainer's instruction, the parrot picks up a placard and gives it to trainer. after picking the placard he sends it inside the cage again. Based on the card, the trainer or so called astrologer predicts the future of a person. I already heard that those people are not true and mostly does it for earning money. They will have a quick look at a person and based on their wealth, they will decide whether that they can loot money or not. they have some code word with the parrot, based on their instruction the parrot acts and takes a placard.
Initially, I did not believe that those peoples are frauds and cheating people until I had my own personal experience. Once I went to beach, usually we should have fish and certain more eatables when we go to beach. We can play balloon shooting and play with the waves present there, nothing more than that. That day, I decided to go for astrology from parrot. I did not have much belief in astrology, but still wanted to know, whether parrot astrology is true or fake as my friends suggested.
There was a guy, who was having a parrot in his hand. He told that only 10 rupees for predicting the astrology. I decided to spend the money. After hearing my name he told the parrot to pick a placard, it showed the picture of snake. He told various stories, nothing was related to me, but still I was listening. Then he told that I have committed some sin, so i need to do some rituals, then only my sins will get out from me. He told that he needs to get some statue of a snake and needs 2000 rupees for performing that rituals, that is the moment I got clear about his intention.
I told him that, I did not have further money and vacated that place. We wanted all people to live happily and we wanted all people to have some earnings. that is the reason we try to help these kind of people, but they don't realise our heart and think us as fools and wanted to cheat us. Parrot astrology in the ancient era, might have been good and the astrologer did not any harm to any people. But, when people started to reduce their belief in these, the astrologers started to cheat people and earn their living. This is not only in this field, there are many in others fields doing the same, I would like to conclude by saying that please don't cheat the people who are willing to help.

Following the trainer's instruction, the parrot picks up a placard and gives it to trainer. after picking the placard he sends it inside the cage again. Based on the card, the trainer or so called astrologer predicts the future of a person. I already heard that those people are not true and mostly does it for earning money. They will have a quick look at a person and based on their wealth, they will decide whether that they can loot money or not. they have some code word with the parrot, based on their instruction the parrot acts and takes a placard.
Initially, I did not believe that those peoples are frauds and cheating people until I had my own personal experience. Once I went to beach, usually we should have fish and certain more eatables when we go to beach. We can play balloon shooting and play with the waves present there, nothing more than that. That day, I decided to go for astrology from parrot. I did not have much belief in astrology, but still wanted to know, whether parrot astrology is true or fake as my friends suggested.
There was a guy, who was having a parrot in his hand. He told that only 10 rupees for predicting the astrology. I decided to spend the money. After hearing my name he told the parrot to pick a placard, it showed the picture of snake. He told various stories, nothing was related to me, but still I was listening. Then he told that I have committed some sin, so i need to do some rituals, then only my sins will get out from me. He told that he needs to get some statue of a snake and needs 2000 rupees for performing that rituals, that is the moment I got clear about his intention.
I told him that, I did not have further money and vacated that place. We wanted all people to live happily and we wanted all people to have some earnings. that is the reason we try to help these kind of people, but they don't realise our heart and think us as fools and wanted to cheat us. Parrot astrology in the ancient era, might have been good and the astrologer did not any harm to any people. But, when people started to reduce their belief in these, the astrologers started to cheat people and earn their living. This is not only in this field, there are many in others fields doing the same, I would like to conclude by saying that please don't cheat the people who are willing to help.

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