A difficult phase in a person's life is the teen age, where the person to undergo transition from a child to an adult. If a girl has attained that age, there will be a function held and announcements would be made that, there is a girl who is eligible for marriage. This custom mainly happens in villages and some parts in the city. But, here we are going to have a look at the life cycle of a boy turning into a man and not to that of a girl. The time a boy becomes man, he might be given the freedom and need to be guard for the women in his family. He might have to bring sister from tuition or mom from the bus stop and so on.
The initial indication of this phase is given by the break in his voice, the boyish voice gets converted into male voice. The initial phase of their mustache are visible in the mirror. It mostly occurs from the age of 12, for some person it might get delayed also. That small mustache gives him immense pleasure that, he has developed into a man. At the initial stages, there would be very little amount of mustache. He would love to grow a large amount of it, in the mean time. Once, the mustache grows, he might get bored of it and look for the beard. He would like have the stylish beards as that of his favorite actors or sportsmen or so.
At the initial phase of his life, he would love to grow beards and mustache and showcase them to all his friends and family. He would never forget the feeling of shaving his beard or mustache to grow it longer. He might have approached a barber shop or sometimes may use his one equipment like shaving razor or trimmer. But, there would be a restriction in the schools or colleges that he should not grow beards and all. After having a good growth rate of it, he might get bored of shaving them often. You all might think, it as a waste of time to spend for shaving and trimming, but real men will know the greatness of growing them.
The person who grow long beards are often compared to saint or called as love failure guys sometimes. It is not so, it is their liking for beards.But, there are also some scientific reason behind it, beards prevent skin cancer, reduces symptoms of asthma and allergy. It reduces infections and act as natural moisture for us. It also prevents the exposure of sun and prevents wrinkles on face. In the olden days, the growth of beard happened on a regular basis, which also prevented these diseases. But, now a days we think the person growing beard as uncultured and uncivilized and the clean shaven men are gentleman. It is not so.
Growing the beard is their personal intent and please don't disgrace the men who are growing beards. There are various styles which men would intent to have but due to their gene or so, they won't develop the style they liked. But, they are even spending money to grow these kind of beards. Many men have the habit of growing the beard and mustache. It may be grown to impress others, but it would definitely give immense pleasure and confidence level to a person. Dedicated to all men.

The initial indication of this phase is given by the break in his voice, the boyish voice gets converted into male voice. The initial phase of their mustache are visible in the mirror. It mostly occurs from the age of 12, for some person it might get delayed also. That small mustache gives him immense pleasure that, he has developed into a man. At the initial stages, there would be very little amount of mustache. He would love to grow a large amount of it, in the mean time. Once, the mustache grows, he might get bored of it and look for the beard. He would like have the stylish beards as that of his favorite actors or sportsmen or so.
At the initial phase of his life, he would love to grow beards and mustache and showcase them to all his friends and family. He would never forget the feeling of shaving his beard or mustache to grow it longer. He might have approached a barber shop or sometimes may use his one equipment like shaving razor or trimmer. But, there would be a restriction in the schools or colleges that he should not grow beards and all. After having a good growth rate of it, he might get bored of shaving them often. You all might think, it as a waste of time to spend for shaving and trimming, but real men will know the greatness of growing them.
The person who grow long beards are often compared to saint or called as love failure guys sometimes. It is not so, it is their liking for beards.But, there are also some scientific reason behind it, beards prevent skin cancer, reduces symptoms of asthma and allergy. It reduces infections and act as natural moisture for us. It also prevents the exposure of sun and prevents wrinkles on face. In the olden days, the growth of beard happened on a regular basis, which also prevented these diseases. But, now a days we think the person growing beard as uncultured and uncivilized and the clean shaven men are gentleman. It is not so.
Growing the beard is their personal intent and please don't disgrace the men who are growing beards. There are various styles which men would intent to have but due to their gene or so, they won't develop the style they liked. But, they are even spending money to grow these kind of beards. Many men have the habit of growing the beard and mustache. It may be grown to impress others, but it would definitely give immense pleasure and confidence level to a person. Dedicated to all men.
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