Kleptomania is a kind of disorder which creates the urge to steel without the need or profit. The persons who are having this disorder are termed as Kleptomaniacs. They cannot control their urge to steal the things as they have a great urge to do so. Mainly caused due to Increased tension, anxiety or arousal. There may be certain people who might feel Pleasured, relieved or gratified after doing this. After doing this act, they might feel themselves very guilt, shame and even fears of getting arrested also.
They are not like the normal thieves, their theft occurs due to uncontrollable urge. These events occur spontaneously and the Kleptomaniacs does not have a control over the happenings. These people mostly steal from shops or supermarkets or offices or friend's places, mostly from the known places. These persons who are stealing those items, can easily afford to buy them but unfortunately out of control they perform it. The intensity of the urge to steal cannot be same all the time. It might be controlled when the intensity is low, but sometimes, it might be too high, without realizing that others are seeing, the kleptomaniacs steal those items.
It is always better to consult a doctor and seek medical advice if the problem persists. They should stop the fear of getting arrested and admit the disease. This disease is curable. There is a mental health provider who does not report the thefts to authorities. The main thing they needed is support from the friends and close ones. They should not be accused of this disorder. They should not be blamed. Their mental health condition must be taken into account and this should not be considered as a character flaw. It is a crime to blame these people.

They are not like the normal thieves, their theft occurs due to uncontrollable urge. These events occur spontaneously and the Kleptomaniacs does not have a control over the happenings. These people mostly steal from shops or supermarkets or offices or friend's places, mostly from the known places. These persons who are stealing those items, can easily afford to buy them but unfortunately out of control they perform it. The intensity of the urge to steal cannot be same all the time. It might be controlled when the intensity is low, but sometimes, it might be too high, without realizing that others are seeing, the kleptomaniacs steal those items.
It is always better to consult a doctor and seek medical advice if the problem persists. They should stop the fear of getting arrested and admit the disease. This disease is curable. There is a mental health provider who does not report the thefts to authorities. The main thing they needed is support from the friends and close ones. They should not be accused of this disorder. They should not be blamed. Their mental health condition must be taken into account and this should not be considered as a character flaw. It is a crime to blame these people.
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