Employment has been a major concern for most of the countries. Especially for the countries that are highly populated. A country that gives more importance to the caste and community rather than the brains. Of course, the benefits were framed to bring about the changes in the lives of all people. But, the great brains should not be wasted. The country is investing more on the unnecessary expenses might end up in losing the brains. Brain Drain is nothing but losing the exceptional talents of a country in the hands of other countries due to the better opportunities provided by the other country.
Country doesn't have anything to do with the talents. But, on the other hand talents are very important for the progress of all the countries. There is a country that suffered a lot in the world wars. But, they ensured that their brains and talents are given a great importance and they all united together and become a developed country within a short span of time. They understood the importance of talents and they were never ready to lose their talents. They were not only confined with the talents of their countries. They showed equal importance in bringing the talents from other countries too.
Of course it is not possible to fund for all the talents. But, the importance given to a celebrity, politician or a businessman is not given to the talented common man. Either their ideas are stolen or rejected, which makes them to leave their country. On other hand, we might think that people leaving the country are non-patriots but they are forced to leave the country. When it comes to individual survival or country, individuality is given importance, which is practical. When the people of my own country stamp me, I have to leave my country. If they support me, I can do anything for my country. I mean to say that, nothing should be done against the country, but leaving the country for not providing me opportunities is a wise thing to do. It is very important to ensure that our country people are retained to show progress.

Country doesn't have anything to do with the talents. But, on the other hand talents are very important for the progress of all the countries. There is a country that suffered a lot in the world wars. But, they ensured that their brains and talents are given a great importance and they all united together and become a developed country within a short span of time. They understood the importance of talents and they were never ready to lose their talents. They were not only confined with the talents of their countries. They showed equal importance in bringing the talents from other countries too.
Of course it is not possible to fund for all the talents. But, the importance given to a celebrity, politician or a businessman is not given to the talented common man. Either their ideas are stolen or rejected, which makes them to leave their country. On other hand, we might think that people leaving the country are non-patriots but they are forced to leave the country. When it comes to individual survival or country, individuality is given importance, which is practical. When the people of my own country stamp me, I have to leave my country. If they support me, I can do anything for my country. I mean to say that, nothing should be done against the country, but leaving the country for not providing me opportunities is a wise thing to do. It is very important to ensure that our country people are retained to show progress.
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