The abbreviation of MLM stands for Multi-level marketing. The selling of Products at the different level of Customers. We are forming a marketing network under us. We being the leader of the marketing product, earn some money and we should explain about the product to the down-lines who works under us. They should ensure that, they can also earn money if they fix the target and sell the product. The up line who is just above the down line, will start to earn, once he forms a great team as his down line. But he needs to ensure that, his down-lines are active. In case if the downline is facing any trouble while doing the business, the upline needs to ensure that the problem is rectified.
This business is very much successful in many of the foreign countries.But in India, this business is not much successful, except for few players. Amway is one of the successful Brand in which the customers themselves can be the sellers and if they are able to find new customers and sell the products, they would get a certain level of commission for their sales. The reason for failure of this business in India might be as follows. Lack of awareness about the business in the minds of people is the major reason for failure. The don't see this business as marketing and they have a perception that, the members need to fetch people to run this business.
Some people might think that, this is waste of time business. This business mainly depends upon the principle of Convince people. It needs a greater understanding about the mindset of people, it also improves the communication skill. A judging ability of a personality, decision making skills. Quality of Leadership that a person develops. I was a part of such activity and the company's name was Emyou which stands for Empowering Youth, that was shut down, after earning a few amount of money. There are a lot of fakes in this business, we must ensure that the company that we join is not fake and following all the necessary rules and regulations.

This business is very much successful in many of the foreign countries.But in India, this business is not much successful, except for few players. Amway is one of the successful Brand in which the customers themselves can be the sellers and if they are able to find new customers and sell the products, they would get a certain level of commission for their sales. The reason for failure of this business in India might be as follows. Lack of awareness about the business in the minds of people is the major reason for failure. The don't see this business as marketing and they have a perception that, the members need to fetch people to run this business.
Some people might think that, this is waste of time business. This business mainly depends upon the principle of Convince people. It needs a greater understanding about the mindset of people, it also improves the communication skill. A judging ability of a personality, decision making skills. Quality of Leadership that a person develops. I was a part of such activity and the company's name was Emyou which stands for Empowering Youth, that was shut down, after earning a few amount of money. There are a lot of fakes in this business, we must ensure that the company that we join is not fake and following all the necessary rules and regulations.