26 Feb 2017


                                  This is a topic to be discussed among people. There are two basic genders male and female. Everyone are being comparing these both genders. We must consider both the genders as equal. If this question was asked some 25 years back, the answer would definitely be Men. But, the time period has been changed and the women are competing like men in all the forms of life. Now a days women are empowered and they are achieving everything. They are considered as weaker section because of not having bravery, but now a days lot of women are brave enough and doing lot of things.

                                  Men are getting weaker day by day. The responsibilities, the burden and the competition from women makes men more stressed. The need to satisfy the desires of wife and sometimes need to share the household works as women are also working. There is nothing wrong in it, but he is not getting used to such circumstances and mostly he has a mindset of kitchen is working place of women. But, he adjusts as days pass by. At one stage if he feels offended, there is a chance of getting divorced. The main thing that is against men is most of the laws are favoring women.

                               There are some cases in which innocent men are being accused for dowry and women torture. Yes, dowry cases happen but, the law is totally favorable for women. There is a chance of misusing this eve teasing case also. The main thing in which women feels a weaker gender is the safety concern. Still, it is difficult for them to come in roads alone during mid nights. Certain men feel very bad and thinks that they should have born as women. There is most of the transgender cases in which men are converting as women and not so much women does the vice versa. This is another weaker part of men.

                               Many men struggled to run the family and have ended up in committing suicides. Men are more concerned about love than women. They have committed suicides after having no guts to face the situations after love failure. But, this does not carry good for men. But, still in villages lot of women child are being killed and the daughters-in-law are facing tough situations. Educated women are trying to save women from being endangered. If we consider 90's scenario, women have improved a lot, but i think that still men have a slight edge over women.

1 comment:


As a human being, we will definitely have some kind of feeling for fellow human being.  This cannot be stopped as this is against nature ...