Unless and until we are under certain circumstances, we won't get to know the sufferings or pain of others. Getting Homesick is one among them. Home sick is nothing but, Staying out of home for some reason like work or studies and so on and the idea of always wanting to go home. When I was studying in college, I was a day scholar and there were a lot of hostlers, They mostly would like to go to their home on the weekends, if they are staying nearby and some of them might go to their home on a 3 day leave or so. I had raised the question among them, Is it so necessary to go their home on every weekend.
The answer that I would get from most of them was yes. I used to make fun of them, we don't have a guarantee that you might get a job in the same city or nearby city. What you might do,when you get a chance to work in a place that is far away from that day. Most of them told that, we would take care of that situation when we get to that situation. May be they are right, why to estimate the future in present. We need to be satisfied with that we have in our hands and rather than the unpredictable future that is not in our hands. I should say that fortunately, I had some opportunity to stay in my hometown and home for 21 years.
But, Now I am not able to stay in home for more than 3 years for the sake of my career. It is easy to criticize or comment on others. But, when the same situation arises for us, we would take excuses,that is present in most of the people. In the beginning it was difficult to get accustomed to these situations and scenarios. But with the days passing on the homesickness reduced gradually. How much ever we earn, the best thing lies with us when we stay in our home town with our people and relatives. But, it is difficult to expect those in current scenario. But, one thing that we might expect may be staying with parents and our spouse and children, nothing more than that.

The answer that I would get from most of them was yes. I used to make fun of them, we don't have a guarantee that you might get a job in the same city or nearby city. What you might do,when you get a chance to work in a place that is far away from that day. Most of them told that, we would take care of that situation when we get to that situation. May be they are right, why to estimate the future in present. We need to be satisfied with that we have in our hands and rather than the unpredictable future that is not in our hands. I should say that fortunately, I had some opportunity to stay in my hometown and home for 21 years.
But, Now I am not able to stay in home for more than 3 years for the sake of my career. It is easy to criticize or comment on others. But, when the same situation arises for us, we would take excuses,that is present in most of the people. In the beginning it was difficult to get accustomed to these situations and scenarios. But with the days passing on the homesickness reduced gradually. How much ever we earn, the best thing lies with us when we stay in our home town with our people and relatives. But, it is difficult to expect those in current scenario. But, one thing that we might expect may be staying with parents and our spouse and children, nothing more than that.
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