Job is most important thing for each and every person to own their living. Certain people have their own business and certain people enter into the companies with help of their referrals. But, a lot of people depend on their campus interview for placement. In campus interview, the college brings certain companies for getting their student placed. They provide immense training to their students on various skill sets required by the companies. It is always a opportunity for the students to make use of the opportunity provided by the college campus.
Once, the student leaves college campus, it is very difficult for the student to get job outside the job market. It is because, the competition will be too heavy. If a student finds it difficult to compete with 100's of students in their own campus. It will definitely be difficult for them to deal with 1000's of students outside the campus. In case, they might end up taking the job that require lesser qualification than that of their own qualification. There are a lot of people who might end up in suicides for not getting the jobs that they would have liked to.
But, the college point of view is just to show 100% placement for increasing the capitation fees the next year. Of course, their point of view is right. But, students too have different plans, they might get placed in one company and might have another option of going to foreign countries for persuading higher education. Many people think that, they might have spoiled the opportunity of other candidate. On One angle, it is true. But,from other angle, everyone needs some backup. So, this guy might have had an option of higher education in mind with the job as backup. It is always advisable for getting placed in campus, so that there might not be a need to struggle for finding jobs.

Once, the student leaves college campus, it is very difficult for the student to get job outside the job market. It is because, the competition will be too heavy. If a student finds it difficult to compete with 100's of students in their own campus. It will definitely be difficult for them to deal with 1000's of students outside the campus. In case, they might end up taking the job that require lesser qualification than that of their own qualification. There are a lot of people who might end up in suicides for not getting the jobs that they would have liked to.
But, the college point of view is just to show 100% placement for increasing the capitation fees the next year. Of course, their point of view is right. But, students too have different plans, they might get placed in one company and might have another option of going to foreign countries for persuading higher education. Many people think that, they might have spoiled the opportunity of other candidate. On One angle, it is true. But,from other angle, everyone needs some backup. So, this guy might have had an option of higher education in mind with the job as backup. It is always advisable for getting placed in campus, so that there might not be a need to struggle for finding jobs.
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